A Savers thrift store recently opened in town and it has been fun having another place to go to find treasures! Where I live, Goodwill can be seriously overpriced! Savers has great prices, it is clean, and very organized. I made the mistake of going to the grand opening! It was a crazy, mad house! It has calmed down quite a bit now, and I thought I would share a few of my fun finds!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Savers Savings
I am linking this post up to Kimba's DIY party. Go on over and visit her amazing blog if you want to be inspired with kick awesome DIY projects!
A Savers thrift store recently opened in town and it has been fun having another place to go to find treasures! Where I live, Goodwill can be seriously overpriced! Savers has great prices, it is clean, and very organized. I made the mistake of going to the grand opening! It was a crazy, mad house! It has calmed down quite a bit now, and I thought I would share a few of my fun finds!
This lovely mirror was 6.99
I took her outside to my wilderness of a backyard, placed her gently in my spray painting chair (yes I have a special chair I use for spray painting) and gave her a few coats of pink spray paint!
I hung her in my girls room! Eye level with them and they love it! My princesses have already spent tons of time in front of their mirror doing their hair, applying lip gloss, and admiring themselves! I over heard my 4 year old telling herself how adorable she is! (Oh how I wish I had that kind of self confidence!:)
Next, I found these three pieces. The to die for cloche was 3 dollars, the candle holder 1, and the little dish 1.
I put the three together to make this beauty! LOOOOOVE it! Now I have to find the perfect thing to put inside. Any ideas?
Last, but not least, I found this sheet. I can hear you all saying gross a used sheet! But I had other plans for this! Fabric can be expensive, so I thought in my crazy mind, I am going to pull a Maria (Sound of Music) and make hair bows out of this! So, I washed it and used this tutorial to make these adorable rosettes!
I have made sooo many rosettes and I still have tons of fabric (sheet left) I used some different fabric and made a black, rosette necklace that I wore to church yesterday! So google Savers and see if there is one near you! It is a fun, cheap, place to get creative!
A Savers thrift store recently opened in town and it has been fun having another place to go to find treasures! Where I live, Goodwill can be seriously overpriced! Savers has great prices, it is clean, and very organized. I made the mistake of going to the grand opening! It was a crazy, mad house! It has calmed down quite a bit now, and I thought I would share a few of my fun finds!
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Great finds and I love the pedestal "stand" with cloche you made!! Adorable!
your backyard is lovely!
I love the mirror and the rosettes! Too cute!
I love your finds.Especially,the three pieces together.Put something for the "Fall" in there now,and then change it up.I'm going to check to see if I have a savers around,I like cheap. lol Don't get me started on these way overpriced "Goodwill stores"!! I know it's for a good thing,"hopefully",but people donate that stuff and they ask almost full price all over again!! UGH!! LOL
I love your finds! That cloche IS to die for! I love the mirror too! I have a Savers fairly close to my house that I go to quite frequently. I also have a MAJR Thrift by my work that I call the Expensive Thrift Store. I was in there today and they had a single candlestick for $19.99!! I could go to Macy's and buy a brand new candlestick for that price!
So cute! LOVE the mirror. I use an old computer desk for my "spray painting station".
wow such cute stuff! You know, that photo with the mirror on that chair would have been a good piece of photo art if you had the mirror showing to reflect the sky...you should retake it & hang it up! (make all the picture black and white except the frame and the reflection) it would be beautiful! you just gave me some inspiration! thanks girl!
I love the rosettes. I'd love to see the one you made for yourself and made into a necklace! :)
I love the pink mirror! :) Oh, and that wilderness background is amazing!
I am impressed with the rosettes made out of the sheet! Can you teach us to do that, or is it something you just play around with and figure out?? ;)
Just found your blog, and it is fabulous!! You are all three gorgeous and have such cute families!!
What amazing finds at the thrift store!
Where is your backyard??? It is AWESOME.
Take care,
WHOA... excuse me a minute... THAT is your BACKYARD?!! HOLY COW!!! WHat a scenery!!! Gorgeous!
Ok, back to the finds! LOL!!
I am in LOVE with that mirror and all its details, love the pink!
Amazing repurposing! I agree - the Good Will near my house is WAAAAY over priced. I'll have to cruise Savers.
BTW - holy skinny legs Mama (the reflection in your mirror)! You are lookin' good - you should be proud!
I am with Jen - hot legs mama!! I love the spray paint chair - you are super fabulous and SHOULD have the confidence of your 4yr old. Where did she get it from? YOU!
Fill that cloche with spider rings, or some battery operated fairy lights and something spooky. I love how whatever you put under a cloche it becomes a showpiece...especially on a pedestal! Very cute!
I also love the princess mirror and as Jacey said, the photograph really would be amazing with the mirror reflecting the sky. You are so artsy and didn't even know it!
Cute stuff sis!!
For one who doesn't do a lot of crafts (just a little scrapbooking here & there) the things you find & beautfy the way you do Amazes me. Great message on self-esteem as well!
Mirror looks great and those rosettes are so sweet!
I host a "Room a month makeover" every Monday (Don't worry, you don't have to complete a room, a small change!) Stop by and link up!
I adore that mirror!! It has the perfect shape and design and the pink adds that perfect little touch!!
Ohhhhhhh, I adore milk glass!
Hey ladies - I gave you an "Honest Scrap Award" because you have totally inspired me and I love all you do! Check my blog for details...
That mirror painted pink couldn't be any more perfect for a pair of princesses.
I am so loving rosettes right now! The mirror is fabulous! My little princess would love it :)
What a view! I love that frame! The flowers are really cute!
Love all those projects. Such pretty things and great vision!
Love those rosettes you made!! Thanks for linking to the tutorial, I can't wait to try some!
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