We, The Enchantresses, LOVE decorating for the fall!!!! Last year I (Enchantress #2) scored big time at Hobby Lobby and got all of these pretties for 90% off!!! Click on the picture to see the awesomeness close up!:) I am counting down the days until I can spread this goodness through my house! Hubby on the other hand says if I EVER buy another pumpkin, he will have to send me to pumpkins anonymous!:) You can never have to many pumpkins right?
Go on over to SouthernHospitality to see some more thrify finds!
I usually wait to put the pumpkins out until late Sept. or early Oct.....they stay around until November then are replaced with the Christmas stuff. I have a few Thanksgiving things I used after Halloween for a couple of weeks.
I am anxious, but it just too hot.
Love the pumpkins anonymous....heehee.
I want to start decorating for Fall now, but just don't feel it yet. Still too warm. Maybe at the middle or end of Septmeber I'll drag the pumpkings out :)
Oh...I see room for a FEW more pumpkins!! lol
I am a LOVER of Hobby Lobby too. I'm only sad there isn't one close to me! boo..hoo...
I'm so EXCITED for fall...in fact, here in MN today...its' raining...low 70's and tomorrrow...high is suppose to be low 60's...I'm LOVIN' it.
Happy (early) Fall Y'all. :-)
I'm starting to get the fall decorating itch, but the heat/humidity here in K.C. brings me back to reality. I do love me some pumpkins though. If you get in trouble for buying more you can send them my way!
ooh I am so jealous! I love decorating for fall~ I usually wait until September has hit! I so wish we had a hobby lobby here!
Fall's my favorite season, too!! I've been scouring Martha Stewart.com for fall/Halloween ideas all afternoon--I can't wait! :D
I love decorating for Fall but I don't let myself until October 1st.
My college roommate is still a good friend of mine and she is in love with mini pumpkins - she has tons of them!
Beautiful arrangement. I love decorating for fall. I usually start the weekend after Labor Day!
Can't wait to see all your fall decor! I am kicking myself now for not picking some end-of-the-season stuff from HL's clearance...grrr! I'm planning to start my fall decorating probably in the middle of September and I'm soooo looking forward to it...missed out last year when I was so sick.
Happy Thursday to you!
~Michelle :)
Awesome deals and who does not love HobLob though I must admit I am becoming a HomeGoods stalker as well!! Been there four times in one week! As for fall decorating, two years ago when we moved in to our last home I was in between buying decor for the new home or buying fall decor. It was August but since I knew I would still want Autumn decor even if I purchased everyday decor I opted to focus on autumn instead to save on money. My thinking was once autumn was over it would be Christmas and then with some Christmas cash I could get the everyday stuff I wanted. So August has been my earliest. The Hubster did think I was half off my rocker though!:)
I usually start pulling some of it out about mid-September. Looks like you got some fun stuff!
i usually don't decorate for fall till Oct. i am usually late on everything. looks like you got alot of fun stuff.
what a steal! 90% off?!
Until our older daughter moved away from home in 2006, most seasonal decorating was done by her, as I am sort of a dud when it comes to holidays. If I would have allowed it, she would have started fall in the summer. Halloween is her favorite. She is moving to a new place on Oct. 23. I bet the pumpkins come out on the 24th.
I LOVE your fall decor and can hardly wait for Fall! I usually start my fall decorating the first week of October and keep it out until Thanksgiving weekend. Then I put out my Christmas decor.
I'm right there with you!! I LOVE it when Hobby Lobby has their clearance sales! I love to buy stuff and stick it back for next year! Ya'll did good!
~ Pam
I start creeping the fall decorations out after Labor Day. That seems to mark the official end of summer.
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